Step 16

Get on the EDN Trial Calendar

You must attend TEP Class (via Webinar) on the class date immediately before your court appearance, to get on our trial calendar and get our support when you are in Court.

Click here to open our class schedule in a separate tab.

◽️ On Mondays we counsel people with deadlines on Tuesday and Wednesday.

◽️ On Wednesdays we counsel people with deadlines on Thursday, Friday and the following Monday.

Putting you on the Calendar helps us to counsel you on the day of court. 

We keep track of how close you are getting to having your case scheduled for trial.

◻️ Sometimes, your case will be set for trial in the same department and with the same judge you have been appearing in front of.

◻️ More often, your case gets "sent out to Department 1" which is the dispatch court, and Department 1 may assign your case to a trial with a judge in the same courthouse you are in, or in any of the 14 court houses in the Los Angeles Superior Court system. 

By getting on our calendar, you maximize the chances that you will be ready for trial, and that we will have a trial attorney available to step in and represent you when your trial starts.

How to get on EDN's Trial Calendar

  1. Attend our TEP class webinar on the Monday or Wednesday immediately preceding your next court date
  2. Let us know on the Zoom call (webinar) that your court date is coming up and you need to get on the calendar
  3. Text your PIP at 8am on the date of your court appearance

If you still need help to get on EDN's trial calendar...

Text your PIP thread at 10am any day Monday through Friday and make the last sentence of your PIP: "My next court date is [DATE]. How do I get on your trial calendar?"

Once you are done with this step, proceed to Step 17 on the next page..

Or for the complete Index to our 18 Steps to Victory, click here.