How To Use Your PIP

All the details on how to use your PIP to get help from EDN

Made your PIP already? Great! Read this whole page to learn how to use your PIP.

Didn't make your PIP yet? You're on the wrong page. Go here to make your PIP and then come back to this page and read the instructions below.

You will need your PIP to communicate with your Team.

  • You will be assigned to a Team including two lawyers and a law clerk. 
  • You will be given their cell numbers so that you can text them as instructed on this page.
  • Don’t call the main office number.  It creates confusion.
  • Don't call the attorneys on their cell numbers. Use the text threads only. If you abuse the cell phones, you'll be blocked.
  • You have a Team.  If the Team is not getting back to you, it’s because we have too many requests. Send your PIP again the next day at 10 AM until we answer you.

Ask us for help by using your PIP

Create a text thread with the two lawyers and the law clerk on your Team.

Text your PIP to your Team at 10am Monday through Friday:

  1. To let us know that you are ready for a "Step 10 review" of your binder. Send your updated PIP including your next appearance date and let us know that you want to schedule a Step 10 review.
  2. To let us know that you have received discovery (interrogatories, admissions or requests for production of documents) and ask help in responding. Send your updated PIP including your next appearance date and let us know what discovery you have received and when and how it was sent to you.
  3. To let us know you are ready for a Step 15 review of your binder and help with the meet and confer process for merging the binder with the owner’s binder.
  4. To let us know about any other documents you have received.  Send your updated PIP including the date of your next appearance and a picture of the first page of any document you get.  Tell us when and how you got it.

Help At Each Court Appearance

Text your PIP to your Team at 8AM on the day of the appearance.

  1. Send your updated PIP with the updated appearance and let us know if it is a Jury Trial (JT) and what appearance this is. 
    • For instance, if it is your 2nd appearance and if you have preserved a jury you'll say JT2.
  2. Only send a PIP when you are ready for help that day.

Being ready includes watching our videos.  Don’t tell us you are ready for a binder review if you have not assembled your binder either using the videos (2E and 2F) or by coming to a binder assembly class. 

More information:

  • Alert us that you have an upcoming court appearance by coming to class and getting last minute counseling before your appearance.
  • We counsel people who have appearances on Tuesday and Wednesday on Monday night
  • We counsel people who have appearances on Thursday, Friday and Monday on Wednesday night.
  • We will put you on our court calendar so that your Team will be aware you are in court that day.  It is your responsibility to connect with us.  However, if we see your binder and/or you are in orange, we will also approach you. 
  • As your case progresses, we color code the calendar so that we can start preparing a lawyer to go to trial with you, if a lawyer is available. Lawyers are only assigned when a case is actually assigned a trial judge, and the trial is scheduled to start. We do not and can not guarantee that a lawyer will represent you at trial. What we can guarantee is that if you follow our instructions, you will be in far better shape to represent yourself at trial than going it alone.


What next?

Watch our videos and start attending our webinars right away.