Eviction Defense Network SERVICES
Where Are YOU in the Eviction Process? See Below
I got a notice from my landlord...
At the first sign of trouble, come to one of our FREE Webinars and Workshops on Zoom.
We will counsel you on how to respond to a notice from the landlord.
We will counsel you on how to stop landlord harassment.
Don’t sign anything before talking to us.
Here Are EDN's Step-by-Step Guildelines If You Have a Notice from Your Landlord:
- Watch: How to get help from EDN Video (10 minutes)
- Watch: From Zoom to Victory Video (15 minutes)
- Watch: How to respond to a notice from my landlord Video (40 minutes)
- Fill out an intake application
- Attend our Webinars and Empowerment Classes
Other Clinics and Webinars/otra clínicas y seminarios web https://www.stayhousedla.org/workshops
Todos nuestros webinars son gratuitos.
Summons and Complaint Assistance
- Watch: How to get help from EDN Video (10 minutes)
- Watch: From Zoom to Victory Video (15 minutes)
- Watch: How to respond to a Summons and Complaint Video (60 minutes)
- Go to the Tenant Power Tool Kit or to a Self Help Center to get your Answer done on time.
- Fill out an intake application
- Attend our Webinars and Empowerment Classes
Representation in Court
We provide FREE representation to qualified tenants in the downtown LA, West Covina, Pasadena and Compton courts, who follow our instructions.
If you have filed your Answer and need representation in court:
- Watch: How to get help from EDN Video (10 minutes)
- Watch: From Zoom to Victory Video (15 minutes)
- Watch: How to respond to a Summons and Complaint Video (60 minutes)
- Fill out an intake application
- Attend our Webinars and Empowerment Classes
Receiving a Notice to Vacate from the Sheriff
Once you have a judgment against you, you will receive a Notice to Vacate from the
- Watch: How to get help from EDN Video (10 minutes)
- Watch: From Zoom to Victory Video (15 minutes)
- Fill out an intake application
- Go to the court to pick up the papers listed below
- Text 310/704-8785 with this message: "I have followed the first four steps on your website. My notice to vacate expires on [DATE]." Someone will get back to you immediately.
- Attend our Webinars and Empowerment Classes
In order for us to assess your case, please get the following from the court:
- Summons and Complaint*;
- Proof of Service of Summons and Complaint*;
- All notices that you have received from the landlord along with the proof of services*;
- Registry of Actions (case summary) from the court**;
- Notice of filing of Unlawful Detainer from the court*;
- Any evidence to prove that the landlord’s allegations are not true;
*If you do not have these items, you can pick them up at the court.
**You must go to the court to get these items.